It really is worth sepnding some time on creating a great LinkedIN page, the reason for this is that it is often used as a way of meeting and introducing yourself to new contacts and potential customers. Below are 10 quick tips on how you can improve your existing LinkedIn page.- Make your profile client focused
* LinkedIn is often the first impression you give to potential clients. Therefore, it is useful to think of your LinkedIn page as your own personal advert or website rather than copying your CV.
* Things your prospects might want to know include; who you help, what problems you can help to solve or results you can help them to achieve.
* You need to design your profile to have an impact on any potential connector.
* Don't take Linkedin's category names too seriously; use whatever space you have to give an impactful connection and first impression. For example, the 'Specialities' section is a great place to list the services or products you offer.
2. Get Connecting...
Linkedin works on connections. The most powerful use of Linkedin is to find new contacts and business partners through the search function or directly via your contacts connections.The more direct connections you have the more opportunities you will have to connect.
3. ...choose your connection strategy carefully
There are two very different strategies to connecting on Linkedin. "Open Networking" and "Trusted Partner Networking".
LIONs - Linkedin Open Networkers - these focus on creating as many connections as possible and growing the size of their network. This can often be very helpful to recrutiment consultancies.
The disadvantage is that you may not know these contacts very well if at all, essentially using Linkedin as a giant address book. This isn't necessarily a bad thing it just means that you'll have lots of shallow connections, which you are unlikely to get a strong referral from them.
Alternatively you could use the "Trusted Partner" strategy, here you only connect to those people you know and trust. With this strategy you are less likely to find people via the search facility becuase you have less face to face or trusted connections. But when you do link to someone in this way this enable a strong referral mechanism and more likely to put you in contact with the person you want to be able to link to.
Both strategies can work, but you must be consistent. It pays to think which way might work best for the type of industry you work in.
4. Use search to find potential clients and business partners
Linkedin allows the ultimate in specificity. You can search for exactly who you want to be referred to by - company, geography, by name, by job title etc. And you can search across your entire network at once. Or you can look at the contact list of an individual to see if there's anyone you'd like to be connected with.
Once you've identified people you'd like to be introduced to or referred to, rather than trying to connect to them directly, give your mutual connection a call and ask if they can connect you. That's much more polite than going directly, and it's much more likely to be successful.
5. Give testimonials to them
Testimonials are very helpful to have on your profile. They're a clear indication of the quality of youe work and the relationships you form.
6. Have a helpful headline
When people find you in searches on Linkedin, the initial thing they see is your name, photo and your headline. Most people have their job title as their headline. Much more powerful and useful is to have what you can help that person to achieve if they connect with you.
So I have my name Helen Coldicott, my photo and my headline is "Helping companies make Google and CRM work for them through training and advice".
You can edit your headline through the edit my profile option.
7. Join Linkedin Groups to connect and interact
Linkedin groups are essebtially discussion forums for particular interest groups. they allow you to find out the latest news and join in debates on topics of interest. You need to join groups that are of interest to you but also where your potential clients 'hang out'.
8. Use status updates to subtly remind your contacts of what you do
Linkedin status updates are a nice way of helping to stay top of mind with contacts. If you were to call or email all of your contacts everytime you did something interesting, it could start to get a bit irratating! But updating your status is a non-intrusive way of getting a reminder out.
9. Watch others' status updates and initiate contact
For example, if something have a change of job title or starts a new venture, these can be signals that they may need your services, or a signal to wish them well and keep in touch.
10. Proactively link others together who you think may benefit
Don't wait for others to initiate a request to be linked up to your other contacts. Review your contact list regularly looking for ways to add value to them.
In conclusion...
These suggestions are ways in which you can improve upon your existing Linkedin page. It is hoped that by making these improvements it will also improve the likelihood of you making business connections in the future.
If you have any other recommendations of improving the way Linkedin works and making it work for you, please feel free to leave a comment...