Monday, 6 September 2010

Tips on Writing Good Tweets

The aim of this Tweet is to help people who are new to Tweeting or to remind those who Tweet regularly how to increase your following through writing Good Tweets.

These are just guidelines, but they are particulalry aimed at people who want to promote what they do whether it be their interests or their business.

I must admit, that personally it is sometimes just interesting to find out what the latest celebrity gossip is and they are perfect tweets, as they are often brief, shocking or scandalous. Thankfully, we do not all have this level of drama, or fame to our advantage so these are aimed more at everyday, 'normal' people. Just like me!

If you find yourself hesitating whether to send a Tweet, first ask yourself the question 'Why am I writing this?' if the answer is it will be interesting, relevant and useful to my followers click 'Publish Post'. If it serves purely to feed you ego, this still might be OK if you're Gordon Ramsey for example, but otherwise you may end up putting people off!

Tips on Writing Good Tweets

  1. Be Useful - Create Value for you followers and tweet about something that will help them. You can offer them advice, inform them of something new on the market. Some examples might be, an event they may want to attend, a new project you're involved in that may interest them, money saving tips, anything that will add value to their life or help make life that bit easier, funnier or more interesting...

  2. Engage your Followers - If you were one of your followers, what would you want to hear about? Don't think what do I want to sell or promote. If you're a customer you might want to know what special offers are available, how you can use your existing products longer, how you can get the most return from the product or service, how you can share ideas with other customers. You might want to know what special offers are currently available, what free events and semionars there are to attend, etc...

  3. Be Descriptive - For example, you might want to tell your followers about an event you will be attending that may also be of interest to them. You may offer to meet them for a coffee or a Q & A session. You can tell them what will be there that might be of interest to them.

    Here are some examples - it would be great to here your suggestions for great Tweets or which version you like the best and why below:

    a. Just on my way to The Good Food Show at the NEC...
    b. Can't wait to see the Hairy Bikers and taste some of Jimmy's Farm sausages...
    c. Is anyone else going to The Good Food Show today? I can't wait to see the Hairy Bikers, how about you?

    Engaging Tweets that enable you to interact with your followers is what Twitter is all about, and is valuable even if your Tweet doesn't have a direct link to your website. Over time you can build up recommendations if you try your best to have an informative, interesting and value adding Twitter page.

  4. Be Interesting - Taking some sound advice from Darya Pino author of Summertomato she regulalrly responds to other people's tweets. For example in response to the question "What is the most interesting thing you have ever eaten?" she immediately replied with "The most interesting thing I have ever eaten? Sharks Lips" (repeating the question so that it is easy for her followers to track her conversation).

    "This reply sparked several minutes of vibrant 'twitversations' with various people about food, travel and ecological concerns." She adds, "The people I interacted with as a result of this tweet may not remember the details of our communication, but it is likely they went away with the general impression that I'm an interesting person worth following and recommending."

    She said this single tweet helped strengthen her network.

  5. Save Time - If you also have a Blog and Website, link them altogether and by just updating your Blog all three will be updated at once.

    a. Create your blog. The Most popular, free blog software are and WordPress.
    b. Create your Twitter account by just filling in the online form.
    c. Get you RSS Feed from your Blog and make it into a Feed using Feedinformer
    d. From you Twitter Account obtain the feed information to add to your website and your blog.

If you have any questions or advice on writing great Tweets, I would love to hear from you. I would like to compile a Top Ten Top Tweets list - so if you would like to submit your most popular I look forward to reading them... Happy Tweeting :-)

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