Monday, 16 August 2010

Top Tips for a successful CRM Project

1. Be Clear and Communicate

Ensure everyone in your organisation knows what your objectives are. For example, to have one shared database for all contact information or for all sales leads to be added and kept up-to-date.

2. Start Small

Begin by asking staff to record all new prospects and appointments. Remeber once these have been added that they will also need completing and updating. Start by implementing one area of functionality, but do this well. Once staff's confidence in using the system has grown, then you can add more functionality.

3. Keep it simple

Make your CRM system easy and intuitive to use. You can achieve this by keeping lookup lists up-to-date, using familiar terminology and removing any unused tabs, screens or fields.

4. Choose a CRM champion

Ensure you have at least one inhouse expert for users to ask for help and advice. It should also be this persons responsibility to mange the database, for example, keeping lookup lists up-to-date, adding new and deleting old users, in the correct way.

5. Monitor and Review your progress

Encourage managers to use the reporting tools available in your new CRM system. This will ensure you have endorsement from the management team and deliver real return on investment.

If you remind yourself of these five basic rules on a regular basis, it will help keep your objectives focused and ensure you and your organisation enjoy a stress free and successful CRM implementation.

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