Thursday 3 November 2011

Creating an effective LinkedIn Professional Headline

Here are a few of my favourite, inspirational and quirky professional headlines from LinkedIn profiles.

Benefits of a powerful Professional Headline:
What do people find when they Google your name? Try it and find out. Google rates LinkedIn profiles very highly, so it is very likely to be one of the top search results when people search for your name on Google. Here are a few more benefits of spending time on creating a powerful professional headline on LinkedIn?
  • Helps you stand out from the crowd
  • First impressions count
  • First step in controlling your identity online
  • Authoratative resource on your career
  • Helps you collaborate with others
  • Higher position in LinkedIn search
Here are 3 tips to consider when creating your professional headline:
  1. Remember to include your keywords
  2. Make sure you stand out from the crowd
  3. Explain how you help people and their businesses - don't just talk about yourself.
If you would like to share your own favourite LinkedIn professional headlines, whether it's your own or someone else in your network I would love to hear from you.

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