Friday, 12 August 2011

Choosing the right keywords for you

On Page Search Engine Optimisation
If you have been looking into improving your natural position in the Google search results (or any other search engines results) you'll probably know that the first step is improving your page content and one of the easiest ways to do this is by including the keywords that people use to search for your products/services, into the content of your web pages. My previous blog explains the two main types of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), and improving your page content is the first, easiest step to take.

Beating the Competition
What we look at in this blog is after you've got your list of keywords, what's the next step?
Most of us don't have a completely unique product or service, there will be other people who offer the same or similar products/services that we do, and therefore use the same keywords (competition). It could also be the case that your competitors seem to rank higher than you in the search results, even though you think you may be including all the top, most popular search terms in your content.

Finding your Niche keywords or phrases
This article shows you how to use the "Google Keywords Tool" to find possible niche keywords and phrases that you could use, to improve your Google ranking. It is vital that you do offer the products and services and don't just include them in your page text (if you did this people would arrive at you page expecting to find a product, discover you don't offer it and quickly leave your page resulting in a "bounce"). Bounces form part of the algorithm that lowers your position in search engine results. The three things we will be trying to achieve in this order are relevancy, least competition and then search popularity.

How do we find the best/right keywords for us?
After carrying out your initial exercise to think of all your relevant keywords, you should have a list of around 20 - 25 keywords or phrases for each product/service that you offer. When you use the Keywords Tool - you enter keywords and phrases relevant to one product at a time.

Using the Google Keywords Tool
First of all search for the "Google Keywords Tool" using Google search.
  1. Type in all your keywords and phrases - one per line
  2. Tick the box - "Only show ideas closely related to my search terms
  3. Open - Advanced Filters and Options
  4. Choose you target audience location and main language
  5. Don't include adult ideas - unless you're in the sex industry
  6. Show ideas and statistics for - Most of the time how will they be searching? From their desk on a laptop or from a mobile?
  7. Filter Keywords:
    Local Monthly Searches
    Here you want a decent online audience size, this is relative to your product/service. E.g. Here I have stated that I want at least 1000 local searches/month.
    To find out what the niche search terms and phrases are for your business – you want to choose “Low” competition.
    Global Monthly Searches
    If you wanted to target foreign markets you could choose this to be high and local to be low. E.g. Here I have stated that I want at least 5000 local searches/month.

Discovering the most effective keywords for your business and to maximise your online transactions is an exercise that needs to be done over a period of time. The best thing to do is choose your list, check you results each month and see which terms results in the best traffic/conversions for your business.

If you would like to learn more about Search Engine Optimisation and improving your own online marketing strategy we are offering Monthly Inventive Workshops in Worcester and Bromsgrove - Prices start from just £25 per taster session - Book your place today.

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