Monday, 6 December 2010

I thoroughly recommend SalesENRICHED training...

While I usually take time to explain my latest learnings in terms of Social Media or CRM, I thought I would divert a little to explain what I did Thursday and Friday last week. I invested two days of my time and money, to find out how to be 'SalesENRCHED' or in other words develop my sales skills. I thoroughly recommend this course to all of my clients and prospects, below I explain a little of what I learnt...

Some of the problems (pains) I was experiencing before I attended the training:
  1. Not knowing which areas of my sales process I needed most help with - not knowing where to start.
  2. Not understanding what my sales process is and how I can improve it.
  3. Not understanding why, I wasn't closing more deals.
  4. Not knowing what type of language and phrases will help me to close the deals I want.
  5. Primarily being involved with marketing and delivering training, not knowing how to be a salesperson.
Some of the things I have learnt:
  1. A thorough understanding of the sales process and the 5 ways I can affect and improve my profit.
  2. How to qualify whether a sale is really there and worth pursuing or just to move on.
  3. When is the optimum time to convert a sale.
  4. Negotiation techniques, what process to follow and language to use.
How did you learn all of these new sales tools?
The real benefit for me was the learning style. Simon William, my Action Coach has years of sales experience and great examples of closing big deals and how he achieved this. He brought to the training session, inspiration through stories of famous people battling against the odds, inspirational quotes and a great deal of fun was had through all the role playing exercises we had to do. There was so much content covered but still I feel focused and prepared to put my learning into practice.As well as all of this, I met a great group of like minded people who are all wanting to do their best and make their businesses a success, here are just a couple of photos that show how much fun we had on two snowy days in December!

If you'd like to find out more please email or take a look at the events that are coming soon on their website...